Author: stephaniebx

School’s (Almost) Out!

We’re going to make it to summer vacation. Repeat after me: we’re going to make it, we’re going to make it, we’re going to make it. 8 days of school left (not that I’m counting) I’m pretty excited to not have the morning bustle yelling that it takes to get everyone out the door in a timely fashion but I’m… Read more →

The Amazing Mr. Christopher (is Five!)

Oh sweet Christopher, Happy 5th Birthday dude! 5 years sure went fast. My Ben 10 obsessed, imaginative, silly, kindle playing, swimming-lesson-loving, show watching, (sometimes) thoroughly irritated by everything, bath bomb loving, 5 year old. This year has been a big one for you! First off you are our FIRST official pre-schooler. You’re learning the ropes at “William’s school” as you… Read more →

Playing Catch Up

I covered spring break in a lengthy post all by itself, now i’m going to sift through my other photos and try to fill in the blanks between that and my last blog…a distant February 2nd. Sad. As one of my transcription clients says on EVERY call…”So, what happened…” man I wish you could hear his voice like I can.… Read more →

My Baby is Three!?!

  How can this be, my baby is 3. What. The. Heck. Andrew you are the cutest, naughtiest, most boisterous 3 year old. Let’s start with the cute shall we? You have the silliest laugh, and you laugh often. Those blue eyes have a spark of trouble. You are a bubble chasing, thumbs up giving, high fiving, tricycle riding extraordinaire.… Read more →

William Carl Baxter is 7!

7. S-E-V-E-N. Seven trips around the sun. 7 years we’ve kept another living, breathing, feeling thing alive in our house. You’ve now outlived several houseplants and a number of fish good buddy! Huzzah! You have officially reached the age where you’re embarrassed when I call you Wilbaer (but I still sometimes do). No more car seat this year, just a… Read more →

Go Hit Each Other With Sticks

This house is full of boys. So. Many. Boys. As I’ve told Jason time and time again, too many penises. Thankfully we’ve now fully entered the stage of what I’ll call “penis awareness”, as in “Mom, Christopher just hit me in the penis” or “Mom, William just swung his blanket at me and it touched my penis”. Penis jokes. Butt… Read more →

Then a Thing Happened

At some point while I was busy  breaking up fights a thing happened. A thing I’ve been hoping would happen for about 2 1/2 years now. Can you guess? As if by some Christmas miracle, Christopher has made great strides in not finding Andrew completely, totally, absolutely detestable! Are they best friends? No. Did I catch them playing together more… Read more →

Mostly September

We have not recently visited a 3rd world country, so I believe the odds of William having some sort of a tapeworm to be rather low. I do believe however, the odds of him being in a growth spurt right now are pretty good. Right now this kid is in an eating phase and I’m glad he can now pour… Read more →

The Dog Days are Over

So then summer happened. Last I wrote, it was (almost) Saturday at 7am and the weary band of travelers was headed East to the great state of WI rocking a rented minivan and enough Dramamine to choke a horse–at least that’s sort of how it went down. Turns out I had a bad case of anxiety (I’m going to blame… Read more →