April [snow] Showers…

Curse the nasty white stuff! This month started off with several inches of snow over several days. It wouldn’t have been so bad, except for the teaser 72 degree weather the day before it snowed. Just enough warmth for our first trip of the season to Home Depot and Western Garden Center to pick up some garden goodies. Jason brought home two kinds of grapes, and of course I couldn’t leave without at least a little green plant or two. Before making the trip Jason had been so kind as to ask if he should wait for me to get home from work so I could ride along. My answer was basically “of course I want to go!” and Jason knew full-well that the trip had just (at least) doubled in cost. The snow lasted a few days while it rained and sleeted. Other than a couple of wet spots in our basement, the only unfortunate lasting consequence was that the falling snow/ice coming off the trees knocked down some of my crocus and sheared about a half dozen of my tulips and daffodils clean off! Poor things.

Work has been steadier than anticipated the past month, and in addition I recently picked up a part time restaurant job. Part of me feels like I’m 16 again. I’m not entirely convinced this is a good thing. The next month or so should help me decide what to do next. The lure of extra money is great, but it really can’t conflict with my job at TOSH unless they are willing to double my pay.

Our spring gardening is coming along OK. We got some panels back up in the garden, and the peas are already poking through the ground. Carrots should be soon to follow. Our heirloom tomatoes are under grow-lights in the basement and due to some over-loving (i.e. over watering) we will either have a bumper crop, or a complete failure. My marigolds are also looking a bit over-loved, but my other flower starts look good and should pull through nicely.

On April 4th Kiki turned 3! That’s the birthday we gave her when we adopted her…as the vet estimated her age at the time to be “one or two”. She will be celebrating by taking  a trip to the vet on Friday for a routine physical. She has no idea how good she’s got it. Farm cats never had “routine physicals”, or routine anything. I wish she’d take the time to thank us, by not playing under our nightstands at 3:30 in the morning–just about got herself killed last night–and then we wouldn’t need a vet visit Friday!

In other news, we bid farewell to our old futon mattress (well, we hauled it to the basement at least) and received a brand-new futon mattress that I ordered in the mail. That’s right folks…just like everything else in my life, I got it online. Technically I even got Jason online back in the day! Anyways, if anyone is looking for a great futon mattress I would recommend Futon Planet. The mattress we got was great and their customer service was helpful. It came super-well packed in a box that only looked half big enough, but it expanded like crazy and is AWESOME. (It actually reminded me a bit of the kids toys were you add water and watch them grow).

For anyone just joining us. This is my new blog location. I will no longer be updating my blogger account, but please bookmark this new address! I have consolidated several blogs into one combined site, so there are tabs at the top of the page and posts will be more frequent. Please feel free to browse around and give me any feedback. Transitioning all of my old stuff to this new site was a bit of a process so if any of the links or pages have issues I’d love to know!

We are counting down the days to our next vacation. About a month from now Kiki will stay with the house/garden/cat-sitter while we drive to WI! So far stops are planned at Mt. Rushmore, Wind Cave National Park, and according to Jason “everywhere exciting in between!”. (Note to readers: Jason’s enthusiasm may be helped by the fact that he has not previously driven across this section of the country).

Otherwise life as usual. I hope you continue to enjoy my blog. Feel free to leave me comments so I know you found your way here.

Take Care!


ps. For anyone keeping track we’re a month in, and so far have only had one ‘floater’ goldfish. Perhaps it’s too cold for swimming raccoons just yet. The weather hasn’t stopped our digging skunk however…persistent little bugger that guy (or girl) is!

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