Rain Rain Go Away!

Apparently I’ve moved to the desert, where it rains…A LOT! Mind you it’s mid-June…average temperatures ‘should’ be in the 80’s and this weekend we had 55 and rainy all weekend (directly to blame for me sleeping all weekend). It’s rained every other day for what feels like weeks. This spring the weather sure has been unusual. Cold and rainy. On the bright side this week it looks like it will warm up nicely. It will be a very short feeling summer with temps in the 100’s before we know it.
Jason has fully started his weekend hiking and caving adventures. For those of you who don’t remember, he has a year-long contract with the Ashley National Forest service to pattern search an area of forest, noting any caves, springs, or other formations as he goes. Since most of the hiking can only be done in summer due to snow-cover in the winter he’s now reached the ideal hiking season. Since a lot of the area he’ll be in doesn’t have cellphone reception we purchased a fun new toy: the Spot 2 Satellite Messenger. Basically it’s a GPS with the capability to send pre-programmed messages to let me know he’s OK. It also has an SOS feature in case there’s an emergency and a tracking feature so I can watch where they’re hiking from the comfort of my cool living room. It should be handy, and take a weight off my-and the other wives-minds when he’s out of cellphone reception for 3-4 days at a time. This week he’s starting a part-time schedule at Fidelity working Mon-Weds, which will allow him to make the 3-4 hour drive out to the forest and be able to stay for more than a day at a time. I’m a bit jealous, as I am still committed to working full-time hours at my job…partly for the money, and partly to put him back on my health insurance. At least we still have that option.

In brighter news our garden is HUGE! If anyone in Utah would like lettuce we have extra to spare. We have a few baby tomatoes and I should be eating fresh peas later this week. I have realized there are a few things I planted a lot of, but don’t really anticipate eating that much of. Later this year we will probably also have an abundance of parsnips, tomatoes, and kohlrabi to deal with/share. Jason did a massive weeding job the other day which I documented for all of you. There are TONS more pictures of lawn and garden pictures on Facebook for anyone who cares to look. They are in an album called ‘Lawn and Garden 2010’.

‘Weeder-Monkey’The peonies exploded!The roses are also doing quite nicely.

I started out thinking not much has happened this month and I am now realizing I had oral surgery since my last post! It went exceptionally well. My appointment was on a Friday at 8:30am and we were home by around 10am. The extraction was a cinch given that my baby tooth only had nubs for roots (see pictures below). Additionally the post implant went fine and for most of the weekend it just felt like I’d taken a punch in the jaw. Nothing 800mg of ibuprofen and a bag of frozen peas couldn’t fix. After one bout of yakking from the anesthesia while Jason was attempting to nap, I slept it off and was good to go to dinner later than same evening! As Heather can attest I had a bit of a speech impediment at her birthday dinner, but managed the mashed potatoes and fried rice quite efficiently. A week later Jason helped me remove the stitches. Mind you there were only two stitches but I only got lightheaded once! Now the post/anchor heals in for a few months and sometime in September I will once again have a tooth. Yay! After dreading this procedure for about 15 years it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought.
Poor Rootless Baby Tooth!
The same weekend as my oral surgery I bought a new (to me) car! I am now the proud owner of a 2008 Honda CR-V and my parents are the proud owners of my 2001 Honda Accord. My parents’ car is dying and I had offered to sell them my accord if they were interested. The way timing worked out we found a great deal on this CR-V and test drove it the evening before my oral surgery. It was delivered to my house the very next night (same day as my surgery). It sure took my mind off my sore mouth for the better part of the weekend.
My new ride. Please don’t call it a ‘kid-hauler’.
Delivery of the Accord to WI will happen in two weeks which brings me to my next announcement: I will be in WI from June 28th-July 4th. My brother is flying out to Utah and we will start driving back Saturday June 26th. Jason will be flying in on July 1st just in time for the DeBaets family reunion on July 3rd. July 4th we will both be flying back to Utah, and taking the 5th to recover before heading back to work. I’ve talked to quite of a few people about catching up while we are visiting, and although I won’t be up for too much more driving this time around, we would take any extras for the family reunion picnic with an RSVP. 🙂 If anyone will be in Reedsburg for the 4th of July weekend maybe we could do lunch/dinner the 2nd or 3rd.
I think that’s all for this month once again.
Congrats to Aubrey and Jason on their engagement and upcoming wedding this August!
Take Care!

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