In the time that has passed since our pregnancy announcement our pregnancy has actually started to get fun. My nausea and severe food aversions subsided between week 10 and 12 and I started to feel more human again. I had another ultrasound since we elected to do some of the prenatal genetic screening and was sent home with a whole fistful of pictures of our growing fetus. Somewhere around week 13 or 14 my belly decided to pop out a bit, and I gave up on concealing it altogether. And although at 14 1/2 weeks my weight has not gone up yet, the OB says I’m measuring a week ahead and has tentatively moved my due-date up a bit (even though I know better). It is nice to start to see a pregnant belly instead of a bloated belly in the mirror although it’s continued growth scares me a little. We have scheduled our next big ultrasound about a month from now, and have decided we’d like to find out our baby’s gender. Jason is convinced we are having a girl and I think that’s because mostly he’d like a boy. I’d like a boy to start off, but we will take any healthy baby we can get! Here is a 12-week picture of our little peanut for anyone who is interested.
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