The December/January Update

A little overdue on a blog post once again. I intended to get a larger post together after submitting my family blog to Jason’s grandmother around the 15th, and then never got back to it again. So here’s the current update, and I’m hoping to get at least one more decent update written before BabyBx makes his debut.

On the topic of BabyBx, he is an active little bugger lately. Kicking my insides from every which direction. Kick-counting ends up being a 2 minute process before bed each evening, with rolls, kicks, and twists coming in rapid succession. We assembled a crib this month and had 2 baby showers. Cousin Aubrey hosted a family shower with a cute ‘little man’ theme. At work we had ice cream sundaes and took an hour out of the day to celebrate. I have so many wonderful family and friends who have showered us with cute baby things. I need to get down to the business of writing out thank-yous. Next weekend we’re planning a trip to Babies’R’Us to fulfill some of the larger items we still need…like a car seat. We also have our first birthing class at the hospital. I’m hoping it is informational without being too scary. So far I’m not too intimidated about birthing a baby (ignorance is bliss perhaps?) My current ‘birthplan’ is that when the time comes, we are going to 1) Go to the hospital 2) Get the baby out. Done. 6 weeks (hopefully) until we put this plan into action.

New Craft Area

Jason has been helping move and reorganize our house in preparation for the baby’s arrival. He was a great sport about hauling the office and craft stuff to the basement where they have new homes that are surprisingly more functional than I anticipated. I’ve even spent an afternoon crafting down there and it was pretty manageable. We also hauled a bunch of boxes and junk out of our basement storage room, and sent a table we’d been storing back to Orem with Jason’s parents.  At the end of the project Jason proclaimed “we have room for like 6 more storage totes now”. I think he was genuinely happy/impressed with the newly recovered space.  The room will also be more ‘roomy’ for when the grow-operation is back up and running in a couple months for the tomato seedlings. Another big upgrade this month was removing the storage drawers from under our bed to bring it back down to a normal bed height again. It was tall enough I had to literally ‘hop’ to get up into bed…and with increasing bathroom breaks, increasing belly weight, and increasing bouts of nighttime indigestion ‘hopping’ isn’t something I was enjoying doing several times nightly. Now that I think about it, Jason has been an excellent sport about everything. He hauls the laundry baskets up and down each week and lends a hand multiple times a day when I can’t reach something, don’t want to move to get something, or am just feeling generally uncomfortable. He also hasn’t complained about my lack of cooking recently since my stomach space and appetite have been rather reduced. On the upside he’s gotten to know the employees at his nearest Subway restaurant a bit better. Poor guy. I do intend to get the freezer filled before BabyBx gets here.

Winter in Utah has been so warm that it has almost felt like a continuous fall/spring. At this point I hope the trend continues and we don’t end up with a late wet winter/spring. I did miss having a little snow around Christmas, but can handle the 40-degree temperatures…especially since my winter coat gets closer to not zipping with every passing day.

Speaking of Christmas, we visited WI and toured the baby-bump around WI this year. It was the one chance most of my family had to see me during this pregnancy. It was much harder to leave than I anticipated. I’m guessing it will continue to be this way when BabyBx travels with us as well. It was fun to travel, but good to be settled back in Utah for the ‘nesting’ period before the little guy arrives. My parents will come to Utah at the end of March to meet the baby, but our next planned trip to WI is in May to show the little guy off.

I turned 30 this month. I remember a few short years ago when we were engaged the plan was to wait two years, and then try to start a family by the time I was 30. I’m still wondering what happened to those last couple years of my 20’s. They went so fast! I guess we stuck to the plan though. Hopefully my 30’s are as good to me as my 20’s were.

I hope this update finds you all doing well. I’ll continue post some new belly pictures shortly for all interested parties.  Please keep us in your thoughts as we get ready for our new arrival!


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