Baby Bx–36 Weeks Pregnant

The lady at the Dr.’s office today looked at my chart and said “looks like you have 3 1/2 weeks to go!”. It was sort of a gut check since everyone else in my life keeps telling me it’s my first baby and he will likely overstay his due date. It was a reminder that I still need to pre-register for delivery at the hospital and we haven’t started to pack a bag. It was also a reminder of all the other things I want to do, ranging from washing some baby clothes and cloth diapers, to re-stocking our freezer, to preparing work for my absence. Perhaps if he overstays his due date I will still have a chance to do all these things. In other news, he remains head-down as he should be andĀ gets the hiccups more consistently than in past weeks. I’m managing to keep my weight gain right on track, and it seems like it’s all going generally to the baby and belly area instead of everywhere else (for which I am generally relieved). Here is an updated picture, as well as the first official baby outfit I have purchased. Hopefully it will fit him by our spring/summer trips to WI.

36 weeks

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