Ups and Downs

We finished out our time in WI and had a great time celebrating Will’s first birthday with family and friends. Also family pictures went well, and turned out quite well also. Love my little man!Steph_Jason_Will

We’ve had quite the high time since returning from WI. William travelled quite well aside from fainting on the plane ride back (it was a bazillion degrees and he was way overtired…our pediatrician wasn’t overly concerned). We had his one-year well child visit (and SHOTS) on 3/22. He’s growing right on schedule: 64th percentile for weight (23.8lbs) and 65th percentile for length (30.25″). He has a biggish head (89th percentile). Then the fun began. After Friday shots he threw up 1x Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, 2x Friday and once again on Sunday, but otherwise ate normally and had no other symptoms. I however, had the full-blown flu on Wednesday of the same week, and then again Saturday night. Oofta! There were so many things going on with the travel, the shots, starting him full-time on whole milk, and me having the flu, that after 9 days of intermittent puking fun I decided to take him to the pediatrician. As I expected, there were no conclusive results other than he’s a generally healthy baby who was probably battling a low-grade virus. Then we had 10 happy non-puking days. BLISS. Then last night he threw up again. šŸ™ Concurrently Jason’s tummy was rumbly, but so farĀ I feel fine.Ā I have 3 theories (feel free to weigh in with your vote in the comments): 1)another unrelated virus (low grade without any other symptoms other than random vomiting) 2)teething–he should be cutting molars any day now 3)lactose intolerance–it seems that there is coincidental timing where the throwing up coincides with me trying to add additional whole milk to his diet, but he eats other dairy just fine. It is so frustrating that we can’t conclusively know what’s going on…makes my anxiety flare up…breathe. On the bright side he continues to sleep better and better. That is good for all of us.(Update: I’m now almost completely convincedĀ he’s having a hard time withĀ whole milk).

Will’s “Watching the Lawnmower” Face

IĀ just hope the puking is done for awhile. PLEASE. This weekend we are havingĀ a housewarming/belated birthday/get together so long as everyone in my house stays healthy. I really hope we are all feeling better because I really don’t know if I can handle being sick again and I really don’t know how it would contact everyone if the party is cancelled. Silly concerns really; I just hope that Will stays healthy. Poor bug.

Other happenings: we had Baxter family pictures taken! Apparently this hasn’t happened in years and with a sister in New York and a sister in California it was a wonder we pulled it off at all. I think they look pretty nifty. I will post a picture or two sometime soon.

At the house we are getting to spend a little time out in the yard, but with Will being sick and the spring weather remaining rather cool we haven’t gotten out thereIMG_1614 as much as I’d like. Most of my inside projects are on hold, with the exception of a family picture wall I’m working on. I’m also making a fun happy birthday banner for William. It has been so long since I’ve been crafty. It feels so good! We’ll see how much of it I can wrap up Saturday before the party–the banner might be for his 2nd birthday if I don’t get it done. šŸ™‚

Updates since I started this blog: We had an exceptional party. Jason took William to Orem on Saturday and I cleaned like a crazy woman.IMG_1631 I also hung pictures all over the new house, so it feels a lot more like home. I have been wanting to do a photo wall for awhile, and found a set of frames on Amazon. They came with a pre-arranged template showing you exactly where to put your nails and everything. (Worth at least an extra $20 in my mind). I started with the set of frames and then added a few more of my own. I will get some Baxter family pictures ordered and then it will be complete. Yay!

Thanks to Jason’s help with the baby I also got Will’s birthday banner finished. A month late, but not a year late. We once again gave him cake. Chocolate this time. He gingerly sat and picked the sprinkles out of the frosting. People were starting to get sad he wasn’t digging in to it more, so we gave him a fork. He got dirty, but never really got crazy though. Better luck next year? šŸ˜‰IMG_1663

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