Houston, We’ve got a Cuddler

Whereas William continues to NOT be a cuddly child, his brother so far is a very cuddly baby. Amazing how different two babies can be. It has been a rather pleasant change of pace and forces me to slow down and enjoy this little guy. Christopher’s current favorite activities include eating, sleeping, spitting up randomly, smiling, attempting to coo, and checking himself out in the mirror on his play mat. He dislikes tummy time (like most babies) but unlike most babies at 6 weeks old he has figured out how to roll over to get out of it (video here). He continues to make good strides in figuring out night and day. Although Jason still has rocking duty until about 11pm, Christopher has managed to go a consistent 5 or 6 hours after his last feeding (last night he made it almost to 7 hours!). I am hopeful that I will be able to head back to work and not be so fatigued I struggle to function. William had a sleep set-back around 4 months with a series of colds and the beginning of teething and we are ALL hoping Christopher’s luck is a little better. I am thankful that William has so far slept through all the nighttime disturbances without so much as a peep. He continues to practically put himself to bed and still naps 1 1/2 to 3 hours on the days he is home and tired from daycare.

Since my last post we’ve had another week of visitors. This time it was my brother and his wife (Uncle Jim & Aunt Jen) who came to visit. IMG_3860I sure do appreciate having the extra help with William and Christopher. I can get so much done if someone is just holding the baby! William had SO MUCH FUN playing with Uncle Jim and Aunt Jen! Apparently my mom taught him to ‘pillow-fight’ when she was last here, so he wanted nothing more than to pillow-fight with them the entire week. Once Jason showed Jim the ropes–basically that the goal of pillow-fighting is to knock William onto his butt causing him to giggle uncontrollably–the game was on. It was fun to see how fast William warmed up to them since they don’t get to talk on Skype as often as Grandma Laura does. By the end of the week I think he would have willingly followed them anywhere. The three of them were adorable! Jim and Jen also got their share of baby time with Christopher. Granted Christopher is a really easy baby, but even Uncle Jim had the golden touch!

The travelers took a break from kid time mid-week and explored Canyonlands and Arches National Parks in southern Utah.

Brothers at the Zoo
Brothers at the Zoo

When they returned, we had one day of vacation left and decided to spend it taking William on his first trip to the zoo.I guess it was Christopher’s first trip to the zoo as well, but given that he slept through the entire outing, I don’t know if it can really count. William is not old enough to care much about the zoo presentations but we did hit the high spots–namely we saw almost all of the animals, rode the carousel, and took a mini train ride around the park. Jim and Jen were good sports in going to the zoo since really the whole outing was for William. He did not disappoint. His excitement was priceless. We were looking at a gorilla sitting in the shade and I asked him “Will, what is the gorilla doing?”, a few ladies near us laughed when William exclaimed “he’s eating a banana!” (there was no banana). Fun Fun.

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My parents are both coming to visit in July. Depending on how things work out, they might be helping us get ready to sell our old house which we have been renting for the past 18 months. We are holding out hope that our current renters will just buy it from us, but we’re in limbo until they figure out if they can swing the financing. I go back to work in a little over a week, we have my parents’ visit in July, and then we’re headed to WI in August so I’m afraid the second half of summer will go by VERY quickly. Jason points out we’ve had company/help lined up every month since Christopher was born so we should start taking applicants for September and October 😉

One last piece of fun–Christopher’s Birth Announcement. Enjoy!Christopher Birth Announcement 1Christopher Birth Announcement 2

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