Motherhood musings…

Confession: Some days I miss my single/dating days with my little one bedroom apartment and lots of free/quiet time. Jason would bring his laundry and spend the weekend and we’d sleep in, or go hiking, or do dinner, or whatever else we wanted to do. Sometimes mom life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It seems easy to find a babysitter in theory, but in practice it is sometimes quite difficult to open your mouth and actually ask for one. On days when the noise is too noisy, I haven’t talked to anyone outside of work, and the finely ground powder of graham crackers has turned to crust on the floor throughout the house, I try to remember to breathe, which is sometimes easier said than done.D22C4DCB-1EDA-4345-8981-038F573D5422.png

Recently we’ve been enjoying some obscenely warm “winter” weather…I’m not sure you can call record setting high temperatures in the 60’s ‘winter’. Jason took advantage of the weather and finished pruning the apple tree. I’m actually holding out hope that we still get some snow. It was sad to miss winter weather completely in a year where William is finally big enough to play in the snow. I was also complaining to some clients yesterday that my winter driving skills are eroding by the day! (A terrible problem to have huh?)

Christopher had his 9 month well child visit and learned to crawl the next weekend. He must have caught IMG_0701a cold at the pediatrician’s office which we all shared over the course of the next 10 days. Shortly after that cleared up he had a 12 hour stomach bug which took down one of us about every 48 hours with the exception of William. Even Jason spent a day in bed, and he hasn’t had a true stomach bug in the 10 years I’ve known him. The saddest part of the whole ordeal was we had arranged a babysitter for a night out and instead of sharing time with Jason, I shared time with my bed and the restroom. It was a long couple of weeks. On a brighter note, Christopher still loves baths. He’s been sleeping better. Some nights it takes one or two quick binkie adjustments to get him from 7:30pm to his nursing at 5am…but then he sleeps til around 7:30am. Lately as he’s become more efficient at feeding himself I’ve been pondering if he’s a lefty. That would be an interesting learning experience for the rightys in the house. One day he seems to use his left hand, the next day it is his right. For now, he likes to keep us guessing.IMG_0675

William still isn’t potty trained. They started a sticker book at daycare to try to motivate him and I’m not sure I’ve seen any difference. Turns out there is a whole crop of late potty trainers IMG_0767at daycare right now, so the peer pressure isn’t the kind we’d been hoping for. He has recently discovered playing games on my phone…so I’m thinking about using that as motivation. We’re not thrilled at him playing on our phones so we may also invest in a kindle for the kids (and Jason and I when they’re not using it). William runs a mile a minute and will talk your ear off. Unlike his brother, he still doesn’t like baths, although he has FINALLY outgrown his fear of haircuts. He has learned to appreciate any holiday with candy. We made super-hero Valentines for daycare and I think he was pretty excited to hand them out. He now knows that his birthday is coming and he’ll be turning 3 in March. Not sure how 3 years has passed so quickly. Other than “mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy” and the total lack of silence in our house, his year as a two year old hasn’t been as “terrible” as some would say is expected. I hope his 3 year old year can be the same.IMG_0680

On a bit of a down note, I’ve been moody, stressed, and frustrated. Did anyone else know that this can be a side-effect of weaning a nursing baby? Apparently according to my sources (Google and mom-boards) weaning can mimic PMS, early pregnancy/morning sickness, and/or postpartum depression. They say hindsight is always 20/20 and I now realize I felt a bit “off” the entire spring when I weaned Will prompting me to get back on my magic pink pills for anxiety/depression. Christopher is tapering off nursing and I’m working to get my freezer stash used up, so it is possible I might be having some of these issues again. I’m sure as heck not pregnant but some days it feels like it! The colds and flu bug we shared certainly didn’t help matters either. Jason reported it took him a week to not feel gross every time he got hungry.

This weekend is the first in a few weeks where someone in the house hasn’t been sick. I think we’re going to lay low and recover. I’m going to save my latest and greatest projects for another week and another blog. Stay tuned.

Here’s a little video summary of recent happenings with the boys. Enjoy! S.~

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