323 Days COVID Free

323 Days COVID Free. It’s a lot like “days without a workplace incident” around here. I didn’t actually start keeping track until day 301, so don’t go thinking I’m totally bonkers. I’m feeling a bit more optimistic than I did in weeks past. More on that later.

The holiday season was kind of funky this year and at the same time I found it oddly relaxing. I did 99% of my shopping online. We had no commitments to go anywhere/do anything/see anyone and I sort of liked it. Don’t get me wrong, I missed certain pieces of the holiday bustle, but sitting around in matching PJ’s with zero commitments was okay too. Cousins doorbell ditched some gifts on the porch and threw candy in our yard. Temple Square was closed this year due to COVID and construction, so we went to a drive through light display that the kids really enjoyed. We made gingerbread houses, and s’mores, and hopefully some fun Christmas memories. For New Year’s Eve we set off fireworks in the street. Our neighbors had some big ones they had gotten someplace and came out in the street to join us. We wrapped up the holiday season with a trip to Hogle Zoo’s Zoo Lights for a socially distanced outing courtesy of my workplace.


I spent a good chunk of time crafting for Christmas again this year. Now that the gifts are no longer secrets I can share some pictures. This year’s sewing included 3 purses, several wallets, 1 backpack, some hair bows and several bow ties for various people and pets. It’s good I have nieces to spoil since my boys aren’t really into hair bows and purses. I made the same teacher Christmas gifts this year as I did last year, but got a bit more creative with the paint schemes. Next up I’m going to sew a 2nd small purse/backpack for myself. It was the most challenging project I’ve sewed to date, so it’s a wonder it turned out. I might have gotten in over my head, but figure the 2nd one will be much easier.



Also of note, in December I decided to go to war with the collared doves that have slowly but surely taken over our yard and birdfeeder. I just can’t feed lazy invasive collared doves 40lbs of sunflower seed at a time while they chase the smaller birds away and make a royal mess of everything. After a trial run with some wire, the final solution was to build a fence of sorts around my feeder with 2″ x 3″ wire mesh. The holes are big enough to let all the smaller more nimble birds in, but too small for the collared doves who are less nimble and need a place to land. Within a couple weeks the number of collared doves in my yard dropped dramatically and the number of little birds seemingly increased, AND I’m going through less seed. Bird lovers don’t worry, the jays are nimble enough to get through the wires and the downy woodpeckers and flickers have other hanging feeders they perch on. Take that collared doves!


With Christmas break behind us, we’re back in the swing of school. I don’t want to jinx us, but Andrew is even enjoying preschool a little more these days. It was touch and go for a minute after Christmas break. COVID cases at the school have remained relatively low. Miraculously, we haven’t been forced online yet. We’ve been in the 1-5 cases range for most of the year while the high schools seem to be struggling a bit more. I think right now we’re at 7 cases (there are 700+ kids in our elementary). I always just hope numbers go back down instead of climbing. We will end up going online for 2 weeks if we hit 15 cases in any 14 day period. It’s strange to admit, but I’m actually getting used to it. The kids are doing well, cases aren’t spreading through the school, and my anxiety about the whole situation is much lower than when we went back to school in August. Ironically case counts were much lower in August than they are now, but back then everyone seemed to think we’d be forced online within 8 weeks. Seeing the kids enjoying school and adapting to mask wearing has calmed my nerves.

My biggest decision of 2021 (so far) was whether or not to let William go to his BEST best best friend’s birthday party a couple of weeks ago. Let it be stated for the record, I’m kind of a control freak and a very calculated risk taker. We’ve been ordering groceries online since cases started to tick up in November and my kids barely remember what it’s like to ride in the car. I literally lost sleep over what to do with this birthday party. After much deliberation on my part, and a candid conversation with William, we decided he could go to the birthday party and play video games with his friends under the condition he wore his mask the ENTIRE time. Why do I bring this up? Because William DID wear his mask the ENTIRE time, including when he snuck 2 Oreos under it and proceeded to sneeze violently. Imagine wearing an Oreo crusted mask for the remainder of the birthday party. Needless to say I couldn’t be too mad. He did keep his mask on, but man was he busted! …and nobody got COVID from the party.

Around the 1st of the year I got around to reupholstering another used recliner that I had found on the classifieds. I have realized I do not dream of upholstering things in the future. I told Jason next time we’re going to spend 3x the money and just buy a new recliner. It’s a fun challenge for a minute but I don’t especially enjoy the process. The last recliner I reupholstered lasted about 3 years, but I had picked the cheapest fabric I could find not knowing if the whole thing was going to end up in the dumpster. This time I picked better fabric and had some experience under my belt, so it’s a better job and will hopefully last longer.

After 8 weeks of essentially zero commitments, it seems like we have a 10 day period where everybody has appointments. Will went to the orthodontist. He’s on track to get his braces off somewhere between his birthday in March and the end of the school year in May. I might be just as excited as he is! Christopher has a dentist appointment next week, but there won’t be much to look at. He lost all 4 of his front top teeth in rapid succession. His 2 front teeth are just poking through. I emailed his teachers so they would know why if he sounded a bit lisp-y under his mask for a while. Those teachers are missing seeing a lot of gap-toothed smiles this year! I had a dentist appointment this week as well. Zero cavities but another tooth with a small crack. My dentist said the stress of this pandemic has done a number on people’s mouths. We’re hopeful a filling will take care of it and I won’t need another crown. A cracked tooth is better than what a lot of people are dealing with so I guess I’ll take it.


Monday is my 39th birthday. (It really feels like it should still be 29). I sanitized and masked up and got a hair cut and brow wax for the occasion. Pretty sure my brow lady thought I fell off the planet. Mind you, nobody will see the haircut or care about my brows, but it makes me feel a little more put together. In case you wonder what I’ll be doing, I took the day off and will likely spend it in my sweats doing whatever I want. Gluten free Oreos just came out so I might grab some custard and make myself semi-homemade concrete mixer. Big plans huh?

Having an effective COVID vaccine has made me feel a bit more optimistic. I’m hoping the political drama settles down and we as a country can remember how to get along and love they neighbor as they say. I stay out of things as much as possible, but some of the arguments people will pick from behind the relative safety of their keyboard blows my mind. The one vaccine downside is that Jason and I are pretty much at the very bottom of the pile when it comes to being able to get vaccinated any time soon. It’s nice to be considered low risk, but could I just get my vaccine now for good behavior? I’ve been REALLY good. Hopefully case counts continue to decrease going into spring and vaccine progress continues to ramp up. All I know is I feel a bit less scared and angry than I did a few months ago and I’ll take it! I hope this finds you all healthy and doing well. If you sent me a Christmas card I have it on my to-do list to send you a personal note sometime soon. I didn’t get Christmas cards out this year but will again next year for sure. Take Care until next time!


School Pictures 2020.
Letters to Santa
Basement “Camping”.
Putting up Christmas Lights
Theo the shower creeper


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