We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

After learning from the Christmas debacle of 2009, this year was about simplicity. These were the note cards I included with our Christmas letter this year. The green and red note cards were just flat cards that I ordered pre-cut. The tree was cut out using my cricut, and the saying was just your run of the mill ink-jet printer… Read more →


I almost forgot to mention we got our first “real” Christmas tree this year! Merry Christmas everyone! We also treated ourselves to a new TV for Christmas. The 26″ LED LCD is a major upgrade from the basic Walmart TV I took along to college 10 years ago (and we were still using until last week). Merry Christmas to us!… Read more →

Dear Blog…

November was a fun month. We took a trip to WI to surprise my family for Thanksgiving. I have not been home for Thanksgiving since I moved to Utah 5 years ago, so my family really didn’t expect us to be there, giving us the perfect opportunity to surprise them. We purchased our plane tickets mid-September and managed to keep… Read more →


As many of you already know, work for me lately has been just that…work. The variation in my day to day job I loved when I started 5 years ago has slowly eroded until I’ve found myself sitting in front of my computer tracking data 8 hours a day–day in day out. It’s not even so much the tracking data that’s… Read more →

Dear Family…

Text message from my Broham: “Dear Family. My worst fear has come true. [Roommate] Denny has the flu. I have retreated to the confines of my basement in an attempt to stave off the inevitable. I will not be online due to the fact that my computer is within the contaminated zone. If I don’t make it, I want you all… Read more →

Ahead of the game

Some months you feel like you get ahead….others you don’t. This month I feel like I got way WAY ahead! Fall decided to postpone winter slightly, and with Jason’s help our yard is 98% ready for winter (as Jason knows 98% is an arbitrary number that only gets infinitely close to 100% as I discover more projects). After raking on 3… Read more →