After learning from the Christmas debacle of 2009, this year was about simplicity. These were the note cards I included with our Christmas letter this year. The green and red note cards were just flat cards that I ordered pre-cut. The tree was cut out using my cricut, and the saying was just your run of the mill ink-jet printer… Read more →
I almost forgot to mention we got our first “real” Christmas tree this year! Merry Christmas everyone! We also treated ourselves to a new TV for Christmas. The 26″ LED LCD is a major upgrade from the basic Walmart TV I took along to college 10 years ago (and we were still using until last week). Merry Christmas to us!… Read more →
Dear Blog…
November was a fun month. We took a trip to WI to surprise my family for Thanksgiving. I have not been home for Thanksgiving since I moved to Utah 5 years ago, so my family really didn’t expect us to be there, giving us the perfect opportunity to surprise them. We purchased our plane tickets mid-September and managed to keep… Read more →
Christmas Letter 2010 (written by Jason)
2010 was a fascinating and busy year, including everything from above average travelling to urban skunks and raccoons. We started the year with a visit to the frozen WI countryside in January—my first winter visit to the Midwest. The thermometer in our rental car had negative numbers and single digits showing on it most of the time. Although it was… Read more →
As many of you already know, work for me lately has been just that…work. The variation in my day to day job I loved when I started 5 years ago has slowly eroded until I’ve found myself sitting in front of my computer tracking data 8 hours a day–day in day out. It’s not even so much the tracking data that’s… Read more →
Dear Family…
Text message from my Broham: “Dear Family. My worst fear has come true. [Roommate] Denny has the flu. I have retreated to the confines of my basement in an attempt to stave off the inevitable. I will not be online due to the fact that my computer is within the contaminated zone. If I don’t make it, I want you all… Read more →
Gobble Gobble
A fun creation for turkey-day. These googly-eyed little buggers! Read more →
Get back here you…
Ahead of the game
Some months you feel like you get ahead….others you don’t. This month I feel like I got way WAY ahead! Fall decided to postpone winter slightly, and with Jason’s help our yard is 98% ready for winter (as Jason knows 98% is an arbitrary number that only gets infinitely close to 100% as I discover more projects). After raking on 3… Read more →
I Knead You
Kiki settles in during my nap. Read more →