Think Spring!

I love Utah this time of year! While many friends in WI are still under cold and snow, here we are consistently in the mid 50’s and our tulips and other bulbs are about to bloom. I recently realized I may have gone a little overboard with the bulb planting last fall, however I’m going to have a few planters that… Read more →

Spring Cleaning!

What a whirlwind the past couple of weeks have been. First an announcement, and then an explanation. I have quit my job in the lab and withdrawn from school. While this may come as a shock to some of you, those of you who know me closely know there was a lot of soul-searching that led to this decision. I haven’t… Read more →

My Parents have a Blog!

My mom recently decided to start a blog about day-to-day farm life for anyone who is interested. It will probably be boring for all my farm-kid friends…but for some others who wonder what goes on on a dairy farm, it may be interesting. Hopefully my parents can find time to keep it updated frequently! S.~ Read more →

Christmas 2010

This year I followed through on last year’s promise to START EARLIER on my gifts, and was done with everything in early December. This year the mom’s and grandma’s (and Jen) got a box set of 12 handmade cards for various occassions, complete with envelopes, return address labels, stamps, and a pen! (There are more than 12 pictures…not everyone got exactly… Read more →