A birthday card especially for Grandpa Garth! Complete with horses and ranch brand. Read more →
Matching Envelopes
Awhile back I got envelope liner templates from one of my favorite sites: Paper Source! I’ve been trying to remember to use them more lately. Read more →
April [snow] Showers…
Curse the nasty white stuff! This month started off with several inches of snow over several days. It wouldn’t have been so bad, except for the teaser 72 degree weather the day before it snowed. Just enough warmth for our first trip of the season to Home Depot and Western Garden Center to pick up some garden goodies. Jason brought… Read more →
Happy Birthday Fuzzy Monkey!
In case you needed an excuse to eat cake, Kiki turns 3 tomorrow (4/4/11)! Woot! Read more →
Springtime, why art thou so fickle?
March 31, 2011: I took some pictures of the grass to show my mother that Jason was contemplating mowing our lawn on Saturday. April 1, 2011: We set up our tomato fences for the year, planted peas, carrots, some pansies, an english diasy, and 3 rananculous. The daffodils are blooming and the tulips are getting close. It’s 72 degrees! April… Read more →
Welcome to April (and my new location!)
Hello all! It’s good to see you here. As you may have noticed I have a new custom domain here at AroundHereLately.com! After 5 1/2 years of fairly regular blogging, Jason and I decided to spring for the upgrade. I wanted someplace I could combine all of my blogs in one place…note the tabs at the top. There will be… Read more →
Monster Paws
As most of you probably know, Kiki is an orange polydactyl (extra toes) tabby. The following clip gives you a good look at her monster paws, and explains why my sweatshirt strings are always slightly chewed looking. Read more →
An addition to my craft area…
In our house Jason and I share an office. My half is neat and tidy and arranged as my crafting area. Jason’s half includes his desk, usually in some stage of disarray. This weekend I acquired a new shelf (still in the box!) from a family member who hadn’t found a use for it and had it in storage for… Read more →
Does this count?
I didn’t make any new cards today, but I did order some new tools and buy some new supplies…does that count? Along with other things, I took the opportunity to plant some little pots with bamboo for the bookshelf in our bedroom. It’s pretty low light on that side of the house so there aren’t many plants in that room.… Read more →
It’s what’s on the inside that counts…
I recently got myself some rubber stamps I think will be very handy. Jason may grumble about my expanding craft collection…but when he needed popsicle sticks who had them?? Me. Read more →