This time it’s Grandma Maydene’s turn. Even with my lack of craft-room lighting, I got this card done (more on the lighting issues at a later date). Happy Birthday Grandma Baxter! We love you! Read more →
Our Other Cat
Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you…like right behind you? That was the scene in our office tonight, as Jason blogged and I made wedding cards under the careful supervision of our cat, and our other cat. Note: ‘other’ cat is the one wearing glasses. Does anyone remember “I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl and this is… Read more →
Learning from My Mistakes
So far all of the items I’ve posted have been first draft items… that is to say it was my first try at making a particular design. These cards however are the new and improved versions of a card I made when I was first starting out and therefore “New and Improved”. I’m not going to go into particulars, but… Read more →
Hiking Easter Weekend
This year we spent Easter weekend in Logan with Jason’s Grandparents. We drove up Saturday night and went on a two-hour hike before dinner Sunday. As Jason pointed out, another 3 weeks of snow melting time would have been ideal. It was lots of fun either way. Jason’s account can be found at Read more →
Happy 35th Anniversary Mom and Dad!
I couldn’t get the colors to show quite like I wanted in this picture. It’s even prettier in person. As Jason says it’s one of his “favoriter ones of more recent”. 🙂 Read more →
Catnip plant gets lovin’
This is the second cat TODAY who has been witnessed molesting our catnip plant. Our yard is stray-neighborhood cat central: A)We lack a dog B)We have a pond C)We have a catnip plant D)We generally tolerate cats. Read more →
Subscribe to
AroundHereLately now has a “Subscribe” option. If you were previously “following” my blogs on blogger, please feel free to do the same here. I’m not familiar with all the subscribing options, so if anyone has feedback do share! S.~ Read more →
Happy Easter to All!
Love, love, love these crazy rabbits. More so, love that I had them finished a month ahead of time for a change. Read more →
Dear Mrs. B (formerly Ms. K)
Jason has formerly stated that he thinks some of his coworkers like me more than they like him given the occassional pan of brownies I send them at work. The following is a note from his coworker Jonathan. Perhaps not surprisingly, Jonathan was also the one who coined the term “wife-elect” while we were engaged. Funny kid. Read more →
Circles and Squares
I got this fun idea for some cards here: Dali Decals. Maybe in my future house I will play with this sort of fun on the walls, but for now cards will have to do. Read more →