Our Other Cat

Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you…like right behind you? That was the scene in our office tonight, as Jason blogged and I made wedding cards under the careful supervision of our cat, and our other cat. Note: ‘other’ cat is the one wearing glasses. Does anyone remember “I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl and this is… Read more →

Learning from My Mistakes

So far all of the items I’ve posted have been first draft items… that is to say it was my first try at making a particular design. These cards however are the new and improved versions of a card I made when I was first starting out and therefore “New and Improved”. I’m not going to go into particulars, but… Read more →

Hiking Easter Weekend

This year we spent Easter weekend in Logan with Jason’s Grandparents. We drove up Saturday night and went on a two-hour hike before dinner Sunday. As Jason pointed out, another 3 weeks of snow melting time would have been ideal. It was lots of fun either way. Jason’s account can be found at http://utahcaver.com/trips/2011/04/2011-easter-hike/ Read more →

Dear Mrs. B (formerly Ms. K)

Jason has formerly stated that he thinks some of his coworkers like me more than they like him given the occassional pan of brownies I send them at work. The following is a note from his coworker Jonathan. Perhaps not surprisingly, Jonathan was also the one who coined the term “wife-elect” while we were engaged. Funny kid. Read more →