Employee of the Month
What confuses me the most about this sign is how you could spell “bruschetta” correctly, but misspell “chicken”. Hmmm… Read more →
Home Sweet Home
We had an excellent time on our trip to WI, but it’s OH SO GOOD to be HOME! We started the return trip from home (Loganville, WI) at 6:20am and checked into our hotel shortly before 10pm in Laramie, WY. Googlemaps says it’s 15 1/2 hours of driving, so accounting for gas/food stops and the time change we still made pretty… Read more →
My mom says WI has the coolest people…
Another month has quickly passed. Big news of the month: cousins Austin and Blakely got married (Congrats!). We had an excellent time seeing everyone at the wedding and hope the little tomatoes we adopted out at the groom’s dinner are doing well. In other news, we drove to Wisconsin! Jason can no longer claim to have not seen most of… Read more →
Beggin’ Burros
At Custer State Park we encountered the “Beggin’ Burros”. Jason had read about them and we specifically brought an apple from the morning’s continental breakfast. All day we drove through the park and I kept calling out “Burro…I have an Apple!”…but we didn’t actually see any burros until the end of the wildlife driving loop when we encountered this guy.… Read more →
Summer Vacation Photos 2011
We recently drove from Salt Lake City, Utah to Loganville, WI…there was a lot of nothing, with some fun sights in between. Read more →
Happy 2nd Anniversary Hubby!
Happy 2nd Anniversary to us! Two years sure has flown by! This cute card was created in celebration of two other couples newly married this month. Jason says he likes this one a lot…which means a lot coming from my non-crafter-boy-husband. Enjoy! Read more →
Really…I’m fine…
I took Kiki to the vet today. She’d been itching her ears more since her dental exam and ear-cleaning a couple of weeks ago, and since she’ll have a babysitter while we’re on vacation, I wanted someone to peer in her ears and make sure all was well. Her pet carrier is her safe place so she was very reluctant… Read more →
To the Moms…
Happy Mother’s Day to our wonderful Mothers (and to all the mom’s out there)! Read more →
A Birthday Card for a Lovely Lady
Happy Birthday to my Grandma Koenig! Lately I’ve been experimenting create cards that are suitable for multiple purposes. With some different lettering, I think this one would look lovely as a shower card, ‘just because’, or perhaps even a thank-you card. Read more →