Home Sweet Home

We had an excellent time on our trip to WI, but it’s OH SO GOOD to be HOME! We started the return trip from home (Loganville, WI) at 6:20am and checked into our hotel shortly before 10pm in Laramie, WY. Googlemaps says it’s 15 1/2 hours of driving, so accounting for gas/food stops and the time change we still made pretty… Read more →

Beggin’ Burros

At Custer State Park we encountered the “Beggin’ Burros”. Jason had read about them and we specifically brought an apple from the morning’s continental breakfast. All day we drove through the park and I kept calling out “Burro…I have an Apple!”…but we didn’t actually see any burros until the end of the wildlife driving loop when we encountered this guy.… Read more →

Really…I’m fine…

I took Kiki to the vet today. She’d been itching her ears more since her dental exam and ear-cleaning a couple of weeks ago, and since she’ll have a babysitter while we’re on vacation, I wanted someone to peer in her ears and make sure all was well. Her pet carrier is her safe place so she was very reluctant… Read more →