Utah + July = Fireworks x 2

Yay for July! I especially have liked this month since moving to Utah because here we have discovered a clever way to get 2 holidays with fireworks into the same month! The first holiday I’m certain you’re all familiar with–Independence Day…a.k.a. The 4th of July. The second holiday Utah has snuck into July is “Pioneer Day”…a.k.a. The July 24th Holiday.… Read more →

1st Crop Peas

This spring Jason decided to plant peas along the fence in our back yard along with the usual garden places. He was out there in March, which I considered overly ambitious at the time, since we were just starting our indoor seeds. His ambition has paid off however, as we’ve been eating peas over the past week and tonight we… Read more →

Father’s Day Rain in Utah

This spring in Utah has been incredibly wet. On father’s day we got over an inch of rain, breaking the all-time daily rainfall record in Salt Lake City. I took this clip during one downpour–keep in mind this is highly unusual in Utah–and I had watered my lawn the previous day thinking ‘we won’t get all that much rain’. Silly me. Read more →

Tape with a Cat Problem

Anyone else out there have a cat with a serious tape fetish? I don’t use my scotch tape that often, but somehow I always seem to find it in this shape. (Note the telltale orange fur stuck to the tape.) She’s also quite happy to chew on tape on shipping boxes and the sticky paper from the lint roller (if… Read more →

Longer than I’d like…

It’s been longer than I’d like since I posted anything of interest. Here’s a quick update on life that’s slightly overdue. Our last vacation ended and I immediately went back to work. I remind myself that I really should take at least a day of ‘vacation’ after our travelling vacations just to recover. Somehow the practical half of my brain… Read more →