Baby Bx–14weeks

In the time that has passed since our pregnancy announcement our pregnancy has actually started to get fun. My nausea and severe food aversions subsided between week 10 and 12 and I started to feel more human again. I had another ultrasound since we elected to do some of the prenatal genetic screening and was sent home with a whole… Read more →

Cantaloupe Hammocks!

It has been a while since we have posted a garden update. After a very slow start, the garden did finally take off this year. The pumpkin plant is working on spreading in every direction, as is the cantaloupe. Most of the tomatoes are doing well also. We have a strange dichotomy of success in our garden endeavors this year. The… Read more →

Baby Bx…The Announcement!

My brother and his girlfriend were scheduled to visit over Labor Day weekend this year, and we decided that since that was also our 12-week pregnant mark, we would wait until this time to make any widespread announcements. Of course some of my coworkers found out during my “feeling rather sick” phase, and I had told a few close friends but… Read more →

Too Cute!

This guy is too cute! Original link here. “A rare albino seal pup with ginger-colored fur was abandoned by the colony in Tyuleniy Island, Russia. He was hiding beneath logs when the photographer spotted him. “The poor seal is almost blind and so was unlikely to survive in the wild,” said the photographer, who was with staff from a dolphinarium… Read more →

Baby Bx–There he/she is!

Our first OB appointment was the 23rd of August. Jason and I went together not really knowing what to expect. By this time I had again convinced myself we were most likely not pregnant. Perhaps I’d had a missed miscarriage and would be met with disappointing news. The nurse checked us in and we did all the standard pregnancy visit… Read more →

Baby Bx…The Waiting.

Turns out the OB doesn’t have any interest in seeing a newly pregnant person until they are about 10 weeks pregnant. Here began the waiting. How did I fill my time? Well, from weeks 4 to 6 I basically felt like I had a pretty intense case of PMS. I read every article I could find detailing the risk of miscarriage. I… Read more →

Baby Bx…Background

When Jason and I got married, we decided our ideal timeline would be to wait 2 years before trying to have kids. Two years for us was May 2011. I was insistent we waited until after our Spring trip home in order to prevent the possibility of me being the sort-of-fat, queasy, pregnant girl for our 22 hour car drive to WI.… Read more →

Summer Update

It’s hard to believe it’s already August! We’ve had a few busy weekends along with a couple downright lazy ones! Jason returned from his convention last month with plenty of stories to share. His convention goodies were housed within a purple sack (like the cloth-type grocery bags). Kiki has claimed the purple bag as her new favorite plaything. She’s sort… Read more →