Loved these cards! Used them for birthdays for a couple dear girlfriends. Made the buttons into refrigerator magnets and included a few with each card. More buttons on hand, so we’ll have to wait and see where more of these cards pop up. (loved this one because the inside had cute monkeys!) Read more →
All the way from China…a plastic bag wrapped in packing tape!
I thought about taking it to the checkout…
Putting out small fires…
Summer always goes by too quickly! Let’s start with the fun stuff. Today I planted some of our ever-expanding crop of hen and chicks into an old milk can that sits out by our front sidewalk. I think they will be a good plant for this spot, because they will get watered occasionally with the grass, but I won’t have… Read more →
High Fashion
Rocked this look at our Cousin’s wedding. Read more →
Jason’s 2010 nemesis, Field Bindweed or Morning Glory
I have a deep hatred of this plant. It is nearly impossible to get rid of. The seeds stay viable for decades, it also spreads underground, and it wants to take over my lawn and garden! I wouldn’t mind so much if it were a hidden innocuous plant. But it insists on climbing everything it can, then dying and leaving… Read more →
What is a weed?
Interesting conversation on weeds I found here: What is a weed? It generally sums up my view–weeds are what you make them. When I first bought the current house I had a funny weed in the sad back lawn area I kept mowing over. Eventually I realized it was a small rhubarb plant and moved it. From weed to food source… Read more →
Pothole Gardening
This guy has come up with an interesting project, planting flowers in potholes to highlight the mess the local streets are in, as well as brighten up his suroundings. He has become quite creative with it over the year, and I applaud his efforts. I have seen many an empty corner or lot and thought someone should put it to… Read more →
I didn’t know what to call the 1st one either…
I have the feeling this thing is this thing’s cousin Read more →
What is Squeehawed?
Squeehawed: [skw?’hôd] [skwee-hawd] -adverb 1. to one side; out of line; in a crooked position 2. related to: crooked, askew, awry, cockeyed, lopsided, wonky, off-kilter, cattywompus. “That cart return is totally squeehawed.” Read more →