Ode to my big-footed (polydactyl) cat…
How could anyone resist? Read more →
Hello 100!
So today it’s supposed to be 100 degrees, goodbye to the rainy June weather we had, and hello to summer in Utah! We’ve recently realized we actually need to water our lawn again; the new seeding from the spring filled in great, but was getting a bit brown in places. The past month brought a trip to WI to visit my family, and… Read more →
Uh-oh. This ain’t good.
Rain Rain Go Away!
Apparently I’ve moved to the desert, where it rains…A LOT! Mind you it’s mid-June…average temperatures ‘should’ be in the 80’s and this weekend we had 55 and rainy all weekend (directly to blame for me sleeping all weekend). It’s rained every other day for what feels like weeks. This spring the weather sure has been unusual. Cold and rainy. On the… Read more →
What would you call it?
I drive by this little piece of awesomeness almost daily on my way to work. Why must I drive something so practical? Read more →
Tis the season for weddings!
I’ve now made several wedding cards with a similar theme. These are really fun, because you can use fancier paper than most cards are made out of. I will be a little sad when my last single friends are married and I don’t get to make so many wedding cards. Read more →
May Flowers…I hope…
This month Jason went on a school trip to Cambodia and Singapore. It took me a few days to adjust to having him gone, and then a few days to adjust to having him back. It seems like he had a good time. When he finishes his entry for the monthly cousin blog we submit I’ll post it on here.… Read more →
My brother in defense of the Pearl Jam song he’s trying to learn on guitar that I said was depressing: Jim: “Its pearl jam, and they are awesome. If you don’t like them, I will send Santa to your house to beat the crap out of you. (It’s his off-season so he will do just about anything for a few… Read more →
The Love Bus
Driving my sister-in-law’s vehicle home after dropping her off at the airport last night was quite liberating. For the first time since I can remember, I knew for certain I was not being judged by my college education or the balance in my retirement account. This beautiful creature will be parked in MY driveway for the next two weeks. While there are some… Read more →