I love that you can see the cows coming over the second hill in the background. Read more →
Hey Lady…pay attention, I’m driving!
This morning I saw a crossing guard shuttling kids across the street while on her cellphone. I was driving my car and NOT using my cellphone. This simple irony made me smile (and scratch my head a bit). Hmmm. Read more →
I’m getting a neice!
A simple card for a baby shower. LOVE these notecards with the border, and love even more I had paper to match for the stroller. I’m a soon-to-be aunt. Imagine that! Read more →
Quoted in our house recently…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUbGcRJUDu0 Read more →
Found: Puppy slipper. No tags. Buried in front lawn.
No. YOU’RE the weatherman.
I find it irritating that every time it storms the local online weather-blurb leads in with “How’s the weather where you’re at? Send us a quick e-mail at…”. Just to clarify I am NOT the weather-person. I am a reader who is in fact reading the online weather to determine what the weather should be like where I’m at. I think it would… Read more →
I made this card initially for a wedding shower, then fell in love with it and made several more. My favorite part? The flowers are dimensional and the yellow middle part of the flower spins! Read more →
1000 Awesome Things
http://1000awesomethings.com/ I think we should each have a list like this. This guy was just smart enough to turn them into a book. Read more →
April Showers!
Despite the wet and crazy weather we’ve had these past few weeks, this month has been all about gardening. I will include lots of pictures at the end of all this. I cleaned out all of our flowerbeds which involved weeding out about a trash barrel full of grape hyacinth plants and bulbs (not exaggerating). Yuck! I also planted some… Read more →
‘Whilst’–[hwahylst, wahylst]–conjunction 1. While (Who cares if it’s 14th century British middle English? It rocks.) Read more →