Where is Fall?

Mid-September already. Time does fly. Jason and I both went back to school in the past month, so if you haven’t seen or heard from us as much you may think is normal just rest assured we are probably either doing homework or frantically trying to keep the house in order, do laundry, house/yard-projects etc. We’re both excited for fall… Read more →

Again already?

Hello again from UT! Just so everyone is aware, Jason’s family on the Baxter side e-mails around a monthly blog known as the “cousin blog” that via marriage I am now a member of. I plan to post slightly edited monthly versions of my cousin blog entry on this blog…so here it goes… Another month of many happenings! First off… Read more →

The craziness of life…

Ah, sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing. 🙂 Would life really be too simple if I had some general sense of direction?Well, here are the latest developments….Work has been especially frustrating for the past year, however for a large portion that year year the frustration I was feeling at work was buffered by the happy thoughts of an upcoming… Read more →

My first Baxter-Blog!

This past month I got married! I never imagined three weeks of wedding and vacation could go by so fast. The wedding and reception here in Utah were wonderful…the weather, food, family & friends were all superb! Then we spent a few days touring the Salt Lake area with my parents, grandparents, and brother. We hit temple square, antelope island,… Read more →