Entry number 1 [in the Baxter family newsletter]Â by Stephanie Koenig…soon to be Baxter. Hello all! Seeing as that I have a lot of downtime this week I’ve been pondering what I should write as my first blog entry. I have a little bit of an advantage as I’ve been reading the cousin blog for a couple of years now without… Read more →
A LONG overdue update
Well hello everyone! I predict this to be the last official update until June 🙂 As many of you know the wedding planning and preparation is in full swing. If anyone didn’t receive and invite and is going to be around Reedsburg May 30th by all means you ARE invited and should contact me for more info! 🙂 Our actual… Read more →
Rings ‘n’ Things
So much news, So much news! I lost my last update (I usually save them) so I don’t know where exactly I left off. Jason and I got engaged in June. If this is new news you may be living under some kind or rock. 🙂 I’ve been so excited that I’m telling everybody! Since then we’ve picked out a… Read more →
St. Pattys? Spring? Easter?
Hello to everyone near and far! It’s Spring Break, I made it to this point in the semester and thought I’d send out an e-mail “hello” before I go back to work catching up on homework. 🙂 The semester is flying by! Another 6 weeks and I will be enjoying summer break. Luckily this semester is much better than the… Read more →
Happy New Years!
Hello All!So it’s 2008. I thought I would start the year off with an update email before I start school next week and drop from the planet once again. Hopefully school won’t cause quite as much stress this semester as it did last semester. Word from everyone in the department is that the first semester is one of the more… Read more →
Happy Holidays Everyone!
I wanted to send out a quick note before I am overtaken by finals this week and Christmas break is right on top of me. I’m going to be visiting WI Dec 18th-24th. I will be tryinig to see as many of you as possible (so this is your warning to hide). I especially appreciate those of you who track… Read more →
The Quarterly Update
Hey all,So as the title of this e-mail may imply, I’ve given up on monthly updates for now. At least for the duration of graduate school it appears I’ll be lucky to send quarterly, or perhaps seasonal updates.Speaking of seasons….(did you catch that lame transition?)…today in Salt Lake it was about 40 degrees and raining all day…at least all day… Read more →
So what if Everything is on Fire…it’s a dry heat.
Hello All, I’ve tried to start an update e-mail several times (unsuccessfully)…but this one is going to do the trick. First off, my apartment isn’t on fire, and I’m not anywhere too near where the wildfires are burning in Utah. We do have a heck of a lot of stuff on fire though, as I found out when I started… Read more →
Another Long Overdue Update
Howdy,It’s been forever since I’ve written (approximately mid-January in case anyone was wondering just how long). I’ve been crazy busy and a lot has happened.First off I was accepted into graduate school at the University of Utah. (See Jim, I had not yet broke the news to everyone BUT you.) I will be starting a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology… Read more →
It’s been a Long Time
So what can I say? There hasn’t been an update since around Halloween. Even I didn’t realize it had been that long. Time flys I guess!Life has been clicking right along here in Utah. Thanksgiving was good, aside from a not-so-nice stomach flu over the holiday weekend. This may have been the first Thanksgiving on record where I actually lost… Read more →