Hello once again,I apologize as a recently realized only half of the list got the last update. It was a small error on my part I like to call “getting distracted”. I’m going to try to do better this time.The past month since I visited home has flown by! I was SO happy to see so many of you when… Read more →
Short and Sweet September
It looks like trying to write at the beginning of the month didn’t work out as planned…since it’s already the 17th! Where is September going??I thought I’d send a quick update to let you know I’ll be home in WI from September 22nd-October 1st for anyone who might be available for a visit. I’ll mostly be around Reedsburg, but may… Read more →
Back to August
Hello once Again!It’s August, and I’m sort of back to where I started….well almost. I’m fast approaching one year spent living in Utah (August 22nd). So to answer the question from this time last year “Are you going to stay in Utah?”…it looks like for at least the time being…yes.News as of lately. Jason and I broke up around 4th… Read more →
Happy 4th of July
Hello once again, It seems lately I have more pieces of news than actual news, but I’ve decided if I keep waiting for actual news it may be a long time coming. After surgery and lots of time, my knee is doing much better. After being lazy in the name of rehab for some time now I had my first… Read more →
An Update for May
Hello.Things have been good here. 🙂 At least for a few days that is. I cannot tell a lie, it’s been a rough few weeks. The story thus far….On April 20th I had surgery to fix the cartilage in my knee. An athroscopic debridement is what it was officially called. It went well, but put me on my back for… Read more →
Life in Utah and Chocolate Covered Eggs
Hello,It’s been awhile since I have sat down and written. I thought I’d send a note to wish you a happy easter and give the update from Utah.Everything at work has been going wonderfully. I’m getting enough hours, and this week I was helping with a research study involving runners with low back pain, so I put in an extra… Read more →
Hey There!I thought since I said I’d write later I really should take care of that. As you may have guessed I MOVED! Yay! Why is this such a good thing? Well I am now officially 3 miles from work instead of 15 for starters. I’m also not living with the unpredictable roommate and her new semi-live-in…I hesistate to say… Read more →
Something Witty Should be Written Here
I thought I’d send out a quick note before I get carried away with work and life and what have you. So it’s a week past due, but welcome to 2006! I think it’s going to be a very good year. I’m back in Utah, it looks like I’ll be working at least enough to pay the bills, and spring… Read more →
Hey There,By the title of my e-mail I don’t mean to infer that I haven’t had lots of news to share lately…quite the contrary actually. However, I’ve been waiting for final word on some especially exciting news until I e-mailed you once again. So here it is…as some of you have probably guessed….My internship site has officially offered me a… Read more →
To YOU from ME
Hey,So lately things here have been flying by! I’m over half way done with my internship…which means half way closer to graduating (yay!) and half way closer to moving from “unemployed college student” to simply “unemployed”…the second of which is not acceptable and highly unproductive. In a few weeks I’m going to start handing out resumes to everyone I know… Read more →