Dear William,
You are 8! What a strange an unusual birthday you had. We were sad we had to postpone your party. Who would have thought an 8 William would have been in the midst of his first (and hopefully last) global pandemic. We’ll try to have a big party with all your friends and family once this whole thing blows over.
What is 8 year old William like? In some ways, I imagine a lot like other 8 year olds. You enjoy computer games, milkshakes (especially banana), games with your brothers, and play dates with friends from school. You are exceptionally smart, especially in math. Some of the things you have learned and know blow us, and your teachers, away. You are reading every night before bed and sometimes when we tell you it’s time to sleep you beg us “just one more page”. Sometimes you push your brothers’ buttons, especially when they want to do their own thing and you want them to play your games by your rules.
For your 8th Birthday we are FINALLY committed to teaching you to ride a bike. You and both of your brothers got “real” bicycles this spring and we’ve been using our stay home time to go practice riding in the church parking lot. You’re VERY close to having it mastered, but I am also dreading the first real crash. It will be good to prove that when you fall you just get back up and try it again. This year you’ve also become a much more able swimmer. The water is no longer as scary as it once was. We’re so proud to watch you accomplish new things. At the same time you can be your toughest critic. There are still tears when things don’t easily go your way on the first try. Dad and I know it is good for you to try things that don’t naturally come easy to you, but I’m not sure you’d agree with us.
You have braces and they make you look even more grown up! We’ve finally reached a stage where you have more teeth coming in than falling out in any given month. I’m loving to see your new smile develop! You have the most wonderful genuine smile.
You are generally still our best sleeper but lately have had trouble falling asleep. It’s as if the minute you finish reading, your brain goes into overdrive conjuring up the wildest questions about how’s and why’s of the universe. It’s also a time when you express to us every random, ache, pain, itch, and sensation that pops up. “Dad, my right ankle itches.”, “Mom, my legs are sweaty.” so on and so-forth. Eventually, once you have asked about every noise and every shadow, you give up and fall asleep. I sure hope this is a phase. “What’s that noise?”–“The dishwasher William, go to sleep.”
As far as 8 year olds go, we think you’re pretty great. Happiest of birthdays to our Minecraft playing, book reading, bicycle riding 8 year old!