Andrew is 4. It seems to have taken forever and the blink of an eye at the same time. Oh Andrew. My boy of a boy. The roughest of the bunch with 2 older brothers to learn from and keep up with. Recently demanding and impatient. “I’m still waiting mom” is a phrase we’re currently hearing often. He’s overly specific and rarely wants what the brothers are having. If the brothers both want spaghetti, he will likely request a hot dog (not too hot), along with the appropriate side dishes and color of plate.

Day or night, you fall asleep best if someone will come sit by you. You are very demanding in this regard, and have Daddy wrapped around your little finger. He has spent hours and hours sitting in the dark in your room waiting for you to arrange your stuffed animals and blankets before falling asleep. You are still pretty obsessed with a specific fuzzy blue car blankie, the 2nd identical car blankie I found you for Christmas is “number 2 car blankie”. 🙂 You have 2 favorite stuffed pandas and have finally stopped referring to them as polar bears. Recently you’ve also taken a liking to a particular stuffed puppy. You are the only one of your brothers to have liked stuffed animals this much.
You have a knack for cutting and pasting together the most wonderful creations. You are far more proficient with scissors at 4 than your brothers were at 6. You will hunt down empty cardboard boxes, paper, tape, and glue and spend hours building houses for your stuffed animals and wild imaginary machines. If you’re feeling extra crafty you ask for popsicle sticks, my old hair ties, and some “wires with the hair on them” (pipe cleaners). Sometimes you tell us you don’t even know what it is exactly that you’re building, but you sure have fun doing it.
Favorite color-blue, favorite food-one bite out of all of them, favorite pastime-demanding other people bring you things. Favorite brother-probably William, favorite parent-likely daddy. Favorite activity-riding your tricycle (man I wish we knew how many miles you’ve ridden that thing).
You are a live-wire who keeps us on our toes and we couldn’t imagine our family without you! Happy 4th birthday to The Dude, Andrew.