The Marvelous Mr. Christopher is 6!

Parents are not supposed to pick favorites, but man, this one would definitely be in the running. Mr. Christopher is the silliest, most animated, hug-giving, fun-loving, now 6 year old I know. Need a hug? He’s your man. Need a compliment, again…look no farther. He’s thoughtful and kind and the best friend/buddy to all he meets. This year he tackled… Read more →

Let’s Talk about February

Given the current state of March being kind of messed up, I decided I’d give February its very own blog post and tackle other current events separately, in due time, from a minimum distance of 6 feet. Major February happenings in the Baxter household! By far the biggest happening of February was the week we spent with my Dad holed… Read more →

Eight Year Old William

Dear William, You are 8! What a strange an unusual birthday you had. We were sad we had to postpone your party. Who would have thought an 8 William would have been in the midst of his first (and hopefully last) global pandemic. We’ll try to have a big party with all your friends and family once this whole thing… Read more →

You are NOT a NINJA

Today is my birthday and I’ve tried to spend it doing what I want. Turns out doing what I want is a lot like what I do on most days. This morning the boys had swimming lessons. Jason humored me with my honey-do list and did some basement cleaning and got the last of the Christmas lights taken down and… Read more →

PTA Moms Unite!

I think it is somewhat inevitable that if you leave the full-time workforce and become a part-time work from home mom, the PTA is going to find you. Show up to a few events and appear to have your sh*t together and next thing you know you’re a VP of the PTA. I’ll make sure I update my resume to… Read more →