Dear Blog, What a silly bunch of craziness in the Baxter household. The weeks leading up to Christmas were relatively uneventful. We were looking forward to some much needed time off. William decided to pull a teething/cold/teething/cold bout that started shortly before Christmas and lasted about a month. During this time his sleep became TERRIBLE. I was starting to think… Read more →
Christmas Card
Merry Christmas All! (I posted this picture very late, but wanted a record of the event nonetheless). S.! Read more →
Catching Up (text-photos to come)
As promised in my last post, it has been a long time since I have blogged. Let me tell you why… 🙂 On October 17th we closed on our ‘new’ house. It is a brick rambler built in the 50’s. Beautiful 1/3 acre lot, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lots of storage and room to grow. Although dated, it had the… Read more →
Dear Blog
Dear Blog, I have been neglecting you. I apologize. Since we last spoke, we took a trip to WI to visit the family. While there, William learned to crawl (at 6mos), cut his 2nd tooth (sorry I may have forgotten to tell you he got his first tooth September 12th), and made friends with my parents’ dog. He was a good traveller… Read more →
That is the noise I made when I just realized it has been over a month since I’ve posted anything here. I knew it had been awhile, I just didn’t think it had been that long. Time sure does fly. Since my last post William has developed quite a few new exciting skills. He now screams and babbles to his… Read more →
Will’s First Spoon Feeding
We tried rice cereal for the first time today. Will LOVED it! He knew how to open his mouth when he saw the spoon coming. I guess watching us (and the kids at daycare) intently has paid off. Read more →
Lately babycakes has been keeping us very busy. We had Will’s 4 month check-up on the 20th of July. He measured 25.75″, 15.59lbs, and had a 17.2″ head circumference. This places him at the 79th percentile for length, 64th percentile for weight, and 86th percentile for head circumference. I think we trended into a major growth spurt right after his appointment. From what I understand,… Read more →
Once again I’ve been a slacker in the blog-writing department. Almost a month since my last post! The biggest news from this past month is that Jason finally caved in to my demands and we built a fence between our yard and our neighbors to the north. The house to the north is a rental house, and for the first… Read more →
Back to Work
I went back to work about 2 weeks ago, and therefore, nothing has been posted on my blog for approximately 2 weeks. Here is the latest: I started back at work and Will started daycare on June 4th. On my first day back Jason and Will sent me flowers at work. Jason has never had flowers delivered before so it was a… Read more →
Small Problem(s) (the video)
To add to my previous post here is a video of the little buggers. Read more →