Simply titling this post “the end” seemed like a downer, so I’ve added “happily ever after” to liven it up a bit. The month of May was good to the Baxter family and as it ends I find that it was a very busy month giving me lots to write about. I held true to my promise to “try harder”… Read more →
Small Problem(s)
While home with the baby yesterday I looked out the back window to discover we have a small problem. Actually 7 of them that I counted. They have moved under the metal shed after digging out a home. A few years ago they lived under our wooden shed, which made sense because it was elevated off the ground and had… Read more →
A mid-month update
All of my news these days seems to be related to baby Will. This may be a testament to how a new baby really does manage to take over your life. Who do I look like? After a terrible week of sleep and perhaps a growth spurt around week 7, I made it a goal to get Will on a better… Read more →
Happy Mother’s Day!
Managed to whip up some simple cards for the mom’s this Mother’s Day. Extra special this year since it’s my first year as a mom. Enjoy! Read more →
Video of our ‘little monkey’
In the past few days, Will has started to tolerate, if not almost enjoy, his swing. It was a grab off the classifieds, so thankfully even if he doesn’t get much use out of it we still only paid $35. So he’s been chilling with these two chicks and an elephant with silly comb-over ears (see picture). He has also… Read more →
Try Harder…
Only 3 blog posts last month. 🙁 I guess that’s life with a newborn. This month I’m going to try harder. Maybe aim for a post each week? I know that 4 posts isn’t a heck of a lot more than 3, but at least I’m starting off on the right foot by posting on May 1st. We will see… Read more →
Birth Announcement
Click Below to see a full-size version of Will’s Birth Announcement! Read more →
Will’s Newborn Photo Shoot
Here are some of my favorites from the newborn photos we did with Will when he was 9 days old. They are only this cute and squishy for such a short time! Enjoy! Thanks to our photographer Sheri Beavers for the wonderful shots… Read more →
Dear Baby William…
Dear Baby William, You are 3 weeks old tomorrow! Holy Cow! That was the shortest, and longest 3 weeks ever! Luckily we have a VERY good baby. It was a bit of a rough transition to parenthood but we made it. After spending 4 days in the hospital (due to c-section) we came home and had 3 days before Jason had to… Read more →