Baby Bx is Finally Here!

  On 3.18.2012 we welcomed to the world William Carl Baxter. All 8lbs 9oz and 21.5″ of him was delivered by c-section here in Salt Lake. We checked into the hospital for a scheduled induction (because we were a week overdue) on Saturday 3.17.2012 at 7pm and he was delivered 3.18.2012 at 10:59pm. I have written out the delivery details… Read more →

A note from the Dad to Be…

Baby Watch 2012, Utah Edition I had a brilliantly un-original title all prepared for this month. Then it became 10% more original when I remembered there is a Baby Watch going on with my sister and husband in Boston also, allowing me to dub this the “Utah Edition”. A couple weeks ago Misty and Steph were able to compare baby bumps… Read more →