Baby Bx is Finally Here!
On 3.18.2012 we welcomed to the world William Carl Baxter. All 8lbs 9oz and 21.5″ of him was delivered by c-section here in Salt Lake. We checked into the hospital for a scheduled induction (because we were a week overdue) on Saturday 3.17.2012 at 7pm and he was delivered 3.18.2012 at 10:59pm. I have written out the delivery details… Read more →
Happy first day of Spring! (and early Easter!)
Due to the late arrival of BabyBx I took a day and made some Spring/Easter cards. This was once again way more piecing than I should get myself into, but the flowers were so cute I just couldn’t resist. Happy Spring and Easter! Enjoy! Read more →
A note from the Dad to Be…
Baby Watch 2012, Utah Edition I had a brilliantly un-original title all prepared for this month. Then it became 10% more original when I remembered there is a Baby Watch going on with my sister and husband in Boston also, allowing me to dub this the “Utah Edition”. A couple weeks ago Misty and Steph were able to compare baby bumps… Read more →
Baby Bx–40 weeks! (and counting)
It seems that little boy Bx has a bit of Baxter/Koenig tardiness in him. Today is his due date, and we have no current signs of labor. There’s nothing saying that couldn’t change…except perhaps my intuition. My brother emails/calls/texts daily to see if there’s a baby yet. I think he will be a good uncle. Over the past week I’ve… Read more →
Baby Bx–the 38 1/2 week post
I took an updated picture at 38 weeks before I headed off to have a day at the salon. I got a haircut and my first ever pedicure! My friend Carrie came along and it was a generally fun girl’s day out. Developments from the last week or two. My weight gain has stalled. The little guy is still kicking and… Read more →
Ladies and Gentleman…we’ve reached “Full Term”
I find that I don’t have a lot of non-baby-related news to share this month. We’re officially 37 weeks pregnant and therefore have reached a milestone known as being ‘full-term’. In the past month I have discovered I am not genetically blessed to be stretch mark free as baby and I have continued to grow. Baby has also developed a… Read more →
Kiki and the Birthday Balloon
This poor balloon was just about done, so we decided to have some fun with it. Jason found this more entertaining than huffing the helium to make funny voices. Enjoy! Read more →
Baby Bx–36 Weeks Pregnant
The lady at the Dr.’s office today looked at my chart and said “looks like you have 3 1/2 weeks to go!”. It was sort of a gut check since everyone else in my life keeps telling me it’s my first baby and he will likely overstay his due date. It was a reminder that I still need to pre-register… Read more →
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! Sending lots of love from Ours to Yours! Read more →