Baby Bx–34 weeks pregnant

Here’s an updated picture since it has been a couple weeks. BabyBx may have developed a new hiccup habit, which is sort of funny. I don’t know what I was expecting them to feel like, but I think the rhythmical jumping must be hiccups. I had a very productive weekend and have been sleeping fairly well (all things considered). I… Read more →

Baby Bx–8 weeks to go!

8 weeks to go until we meet baby boy Bx! He’s been very active this past month and has taken to kicking me in the ribs with gusto. Right before Christmas I passed my glucose test (whew!) and was able to travel without that extra worry. They increased my iron intake slightly, but I haven’t really noticed much difference other than it… Read more →

Christmas Letter from the Baxters…2011

Greetings!                                                                                                   December 2011 This year the Baxter family said goodbye to government hiking contracts and a well-used vehicle. We also had some great family visits and prepared to welcome a new arrival to our family in the coming year. Since it IS the biggest news, we’ll start by announcing the upcoming new member of our family. He is scheduled to… Read more →

Baby Bx–13 weeks to go!

Time is sure flying by. In recent weeks there’s been more kicking and wiggling by the little guy. There has also been more restless sleeping and a little bit more indigestion. Overall I think things are going quite well. Compared to some of the stories I’ve heard, I’m going to consider myself lucky to be feeling this good at 27… Read more →

Baby Bx–Pregnancy update

Well folks, we’re over halfway there. 25 weeks this week and going strong. I am finding it harder and harder to bend at the middle and my toes are getting farther and farther away. I have decided maternity pants were an excellent purchasing decision. Jason continues to humor me by feeling the baby kick whenever I ask him to. I’m… Read more →